We recognise that the transition from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 can be challenging for all students and we want to make that transition as smooth as possible when you join us in September. The Sutton Academy Sixth Form offers you a strong academic culture of both guided and independent study, in a supportive environment, built around the conditions for you to thrive academically and personally. Our teachers are subject experts and view their role as Key Stage 5 teachers as a privilege and are fully committed to going above and beyond to ensure that you are successful. Our shared goal is to ensure you leave the academy with the very best outcomes possible, ready to pursue your next steps. Success at Key Stage 5 is far more than a set of academic qualifications and we want all our students to leave us equipped with the skills needed to face the challenges of the world ahead. We are proud of our personal development offer in the Sixth form, which ranges from educational trips and visits and the opportunity to complete additional qualifications in First Aid or British Sign Language which will enhance your personal portfolio. Here are just a few of the many reasons we feel The Sutton Academy Sixth Form should be your preferred choice of post-16 destination: � A responsive and dynamic curriculum offer � Excellent academic and vocational standards � Dedicated Leadership Team � Small group sizes, allowing for flexible and personalised academic support � Dedicated Sixth Form Centre � Personal Academic Mentor � An outstanding Personal Development offer Why Us? We are very proud of our thriving Sixth Form and are delighted that you are considering joining us.
The curriculum at the Sixth Form is dynamic and responsive to the needs of our students. Every year we build a curriculum with you in mind, aiming to offer a range of subject choices that will fulfil your aspirations. Our curriculum offer changes annually depending on the needs of the students. Listed below are just a few of the courses you may choose to study with us. Art Craft & Design A-Level Art, Craft and Design Students complete a two-year course where they will explore practical and critical/contextual work through a range of 2D and/or 3D processes, medias and techniques. Childcare Childcare gives students knowledge about the development of children from birth to 7 years. Students will acquire a strong theoretical basis as well as practical experience of working with children. The placement element of this course is a unique experience which gives students the opportunity to see how their theoretical knowledge underpins what happens in the workplace as well as supporting them in preparing for their final assessment. All learners are required to have an Enhanced DBS to allow them to complete their placement. English Students are offered the opportunity to further broaden their study of English at a higher level through AQA’s English Language and Literature A-Level specification. Students will analyse a range of engaging literary and non-literary texts, informed by a secure understanding of linguistic theory and influences. Studying at the Sixth Form “In the sixth form, students value the level of tailored support and guidance that they receive from staff about all aspects of their learning and development.” Ofsted
Please refer to the academy website for a full list of courses offered each academic year. Geography A-Level Geography allows students to study current issues that shape the world they live in, as well as acquiring a wealth of skills to support further study, such as data analysis. The course is extremely current and addresses many of the issues affecting the world today, both politically and environmentally. Mathematics A-level Mathematics is a challenging course, which builds and further extends upon knowledge acquired at GCSE. Students will study a mix of pure and applied mathematics with problem solving and mathematical modelling running out. This is a course which compliments other STEM subjects such as Physics and Chemistry and is often a prerequisite for career pathways such as Architecture and Engineering. Food Science & Nutrition This course teaches students about the relationship between the human body and food, as well as developing practical skills linked to experimental work and the cooking and preparation of food. As part of the course, students will taste new foods, critically assess diets and develop menus which are nutritionally balanced, conduct food experiments and develop a range of generic and transferable skills that are sought after by employers. Health & Social Care This is a popular course for students with aspirations of working in a range of Health & Social care settings. Students can develop their understanding of issues relating to equality and diversity, communication and professional standards. A mandatory placement supports students with putting their knowledge into practice and developing their key skills to support others from a range of backgrounds. Sport Studies This course offers a broad basis of study within the sport sector. Students will deepen their understanding through topics such as anatomy and physiology, lifestyle factors, leadership and career pathways in the sports industry. History A level History gives students the opportunity to build upon the knowledge and skills gained at GCSE. The challenging and engaging topics studied are The Making of a Superpower USA 1865-1975 and Modern British History 1951 - 2007. The coursework component of this course allows students to study their own modern historical interests in greater depth. Criminology This exciting course develops students’ knowledge of different types of crime, as well as a theoretical understanding of offending behaviour. Students will learn about the criminal justice sector and the process of ‘crime scene to court room’. Crucially, students will also develop an understanding of how to reduce crime and devise their own campaign to overcome criminal tendencies. Forensic Science The level 3 BTEC allows students to combine all areas of science alongside the studying of forensic details and the importance of accuracy when investigating experiments. You will learn how to analyse the physical evidence often left at crime scenes and understand how science supports the work of the criminal justice system. Psychology A fascinating course which explores the science of human behaviour in detail. Students will study the work of some of the most influential psychologists of our time and their infamous experiments, all whilst developing their analytical and evaluative understanding of psychological theories. One of our most popular A-Levels, students will develop a critical knowledge of why we do the things we do.
The High Achiever’s Scholarship is a bespoke support package coordinated and delivered by a specialist course leader who provides students with the expert advice and guidance needed to achieve their goals. Students awarded this scholarship have the opportunity to work with and alongside other high achieving students with similar aspirations, as well as the best possible preparation for applying to university. The High Achiever’s Scholarship is equivalent to the value of £1500 and includes: � A personal laptop worth £400 � Fully funded educational visits to Russel Group Universities and other prestigious institutions such as Oxford and Cambridge � Intense support with university applications � Opportunities to develop presentation and interview skills � The opportunity to study the Extended Project Qualification � Financial support with course materials and access to tutoring The Extended Project Qualification The Extended Project Programme is an extra qualification which provides students with the opportunity to extend their studies, beyond the remit of their chosen courses and prepares them for the level of independent study required in Higher Education. The skills gained and developed during this course, prepare students for university and their chosen future career. It is of great benefit to students and gains an AS Level qualification with the equivalent UCAS points. Universities value the experiences of this course so much, that it often reduces the conditional offer of entry requirements that a student receives. With this in mind, we expect all students awarded the scholarship to complete the EQP. High Achievers Scholarship “Students feel empowered. They learn well.” Ofsted
Life in the Sixth Form Be Your Best Life in the Sixth Form is very different to secondary school and students are provided with more freedom and independence then ever before. We have the highest standards in the Sixth Form and expect you to be the best version of yourself at all times, always representing the Sixth Form as well as The Sutton Academy. Work Hard We value hard work at the Sixth Form and expect our students to fully apply themselves to their academic studies. Excellent attendance and attitude to all sessions is expected from all students at all times, as this is essential to your success. There are a number of systems in place to support students with the academic demands of Sixth Form such as Directed Study, Silent Study and Tutoring sessions. Enjoy Your Experience Enjoying your time at Sixth Form is just as important to us as your academic success and there are number of events and opportunities planned to ensure you enjoy your time with us and make memories that will last a lifetime. These include personal development days, teambuilding activities, and trips to places like Alton Towers and The Trafford Centre. Each year group will have an opportunity to attend a reward trip abroad such as Paris or even New York. Be Part of Our Community We offer a small but thriving Sixth Form with a real community feel. The Sixth Form Leadership Team take the time to get to know every single one of our students and are fully invested in their unique journey. We see the opportunity to support you in this phase of your education as a privilege and expect all of our students to fully embrace being part of our fantastic Sixth Form Community. Year 13 Trip to Paris
Facilities and Environment Students have access to areas for specialist study, including unique art and design work areas, laboratories to explore the sciences, access to a dance studio and theatre for drama performances, as well as a fully equipped recording studio. You will also have access to dedicated study areas, fully equipped with the latest ICT equipment, allowing you to extend your learning outside of normal lesson times. Our directed study area provides you with a relaxed learning space to study with other students, whereas our silent study area allows you to work undisturbed. Our sixth form centre also benefits from its own, recently refurbished, dining area that students can access throughout the day. We have invested in new facilities, a learning plaza and have very high expectations for all our young people. At the academy we will strive to create a secure and caring learning environment.
Personal Development We see success as so much more than a set of academic qualifications that students leave with. As well as succeeding academically, we are fully committed to ensuring all students leave us ready to embrace the challenges of the ever-changing world. Our exceptional Personal Development curriculum provides students with a well-sequenced programme of learning and enrichment opportunities, giving students the knowledge and skills, they need to really thrive after Sixth Form. Academic Mentoring Led by the Sith Form Leadership Team, all students have an Academic Mentor to support them throughout their time with us. Regular mentor meetings provide you with the professional and pastoral time to develop. Staff will always be on hand to support you with dedicated advice and guidance that will help build your confidence, resilience and independence. Support & Pastoral Care Understanding the pressures of studying at Key Stage 5, as well as the challenges facing young people today, it is important to us that all students are provided with the academic and pastoral support they need to thrive. Students in the Sixth Form come to us feeling safe and supported, knowing that there is always someone to turn to if they need it. Careers Guidance We offer bespoke careers and university advice throughout your time with us. We have a designated Key Stage 5 Destinations Leader and Careers Advisor and work closely with Shaping Futures to offer expert guidance from CV writing to apprenticeship and university applications. As a sixth form we have outstanding links with the local higher institutions who visit the academy regularly to help with the UCAS process and offer guidance and support for the next stage of your educational journey. Financial Support Students are encouraged to apply for a student bursary if facing financial hardship to stay in full-time education. The bursary can be used to help purchase course equipment needed and meet transport costs. Free meals are also available for those who meet the eligibility criteria.
Sixth Form Student Leadership Students are invited to apply and serve on the student leadership team, enabling them to discuss school matters, both academic and social with senior members of staff. The Leadership Team will feedback developments and decisions made regularly to the student body and Sixth Form Leadership Team and represent the Sixth Form at whole school events. Academic Mentoring Programme The mentoring programme focuses on Key Stage 5 mindset and the preparation for all possible pathways of the future, using activities that enable study and self-management skills and allow students to think about their career pathways. The programme allows for a tailored range of support from trained professionals, both internal and external, and links to your area of interest. Regular meetings are vital to ensure students have a smooth journey throughout their time with us. Work Experience To enhance applications to university and future employers, we encourage external voluntary roles. We feel that this opportunity will allow you to investigate a particular career path or profession in which you may have an interest. This experience is an invaluable addition to the UCAS application and personal statement. For students that do not intend to go to university, this will be an essential complement to their CV. There is also the opportunity for paid roles within sixth form, where students can support our younger students with Maths or English or apply to fill positions within the library or support the daily running of the wider academy. “Students benefit from a broad range of opportunities to enhance their personal development.” Ofsted
Student Success Our students have achieved some of the best grades the academy has ever produced. Stand out performances include: Three grades A’s, a grade B and a Distinction Maxe Worrall Grade A and two Distinction* Giovani Saut Three grade A’s and a Distinction Eva Yorke A*, two grade A’s and a grade B Louise Williams Now studying Mathematics at University of Leeds Now studying Law at University of York Now studying Geography at University of Manchester Now studying Psychology at University of Liverpool
How To Apply At The Sutton Academy Sixth Form we offer a wide range of both academic and vocational courses and aim to offer students a high degree of flexibility when choosing your ideal combination of subjects. The entry requirements for our Sixth Form is five GCSE qualifications at grade 4 and above, but specific courses may have additional entry criteria. Please refer to individual course information leaflets for subject specific subject entry requirements. If you would like to join us, please complete our online application form which is available on our academy website. Please contact a member of the Sixth Form Leadership team if you require any support and advice to complete the application. The range of qualifications on offer provides students with clear pathways to a suitably broad range of future destinations.
A multi academy trust in Warrington, Cheshire comprising of Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form providers. We educate the youngest in our community while also providing opportunities for adults to return to the classroom. Our vision is rooted in our mission – to serve, challenge, and empower the educational community. We embody this mission by offering highly effective services to our academies, fostering strong leadership, investing in our workforce, and inspiring the children and young people in our care. The Sutton Academy Elton Head Road, St Helens, WA9 5AU T: 01744 678859 Visit us here