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Ofsted Good Rating

Careers Overview

From joining us in year 7, we track each students’ careers guidance to ensure we are meeting the eight Gatsby Bench Marks as set out in the Gatsby Report. Our careers strategy is measured against the Compass Careers Benchmark Tool and informed by the area’s latest Labour Market Statistics. We regularly work in partnership with a range of external providers to ensure that our programme is inspiring, current and diverse. Throughout their time at The Sutton Academy, all students are offered valuable meetings with a range of employers and industry professionals. These encounters take place during the school day and as part of our additional offering. Opportunities are varied and tailored to suit individuals’ needs and interests.

Career provision is also delivered discretely within the curriculum and students have access to a range of careers links both in lesson time and after school, in extra-curricular clubs. Both STEM club and Journalism club are included in our extra-curricular offering. Our wide range of activities also promote the development of transferable skills such as teamwork, organisation and communication; attributes crucial to the workplace.

Additional events and opportunities are arranged during National Careers Week and in key points during the year; this allows students to further link their learning to the next steps they might need to take toward their career.

Careers Advisor, Lia Black, holds drop in sessions on Thursdays and Fridays and students are offered a range of 1:1 and small group careers advice meetings. Both Mrs Sidhu and Lia Black are available at Options Evenings and Partnership Evenings to consult with parents, guardians and students.

In order to best prepare them for their next steps, all students are offered a university visit to give them greater insight into higher education and to immerse them in student life.

Our aim is to ensure that, by Year 11, our students have received a varied and meaningful range of guidance and encounters which have aided them in making informed decisions about their futures. Students are able to offer their opinion on the careers provision they receive through student voice and regular surveys that are collated to inform our ever-growing careers provision.

Next review September 2024