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Ofsted Good Rating


  1. Students are expected to attend the academy for the appropriate start time each day. Standards gate opens at 8.05am and students should be onsite and in their form rooms by 8.35amStudents arriving after this time will be deemed late.

  2.  On occasions when students do arrive late, they should sign in at Late Gate or after 9am at Student Reception. They will receive a late mark. This will ensure that we are able to record the student’s attendance into the SIMS system, together with the time of their arrival.  Students who attend after the register closes will receive a mark to show that the pupil is on site, (U) but this will count as an absent mark.

  3. Students who are persistently late and miss learning time will have their details forwarded onto the Educational Welfare Service (EWS) for consideration of the issuance of a Penalty Notice and will receive detentions from the Academy in accordance to the behaviour policy.

  4. Persistent lateness to the academy and/or lessons with be appropriately sanctioned in accordance with the academy behaviour policy. Persistent lateness is defined as students who have 3 or more late marks recorded in a single half-term.

The following two infographics provide details of our consequence system for lates to school and lates to lessons:

Late to the academy

Late to lessons