Christmas Jumper Day

The Sutton Academy is supporting Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day appeal this year.
Students who would like to be involved are invited to wear a Christmas style jumper in place of their normal school jumper and/or blazer on Thursday 19 December 2019. Students are expected to wear the rest of the their uniform as they would normally.
Christmas Jumpers may include a 'wintery' pattern or an image linked to Christmas. A prize will be awarded for the best Christmas Jumper. Students choosing to participate by wearing a Christmas Jumper will be asked to pay a minimum donation of £1.00, all of which will go directly to Save the Children.
The standard of uniform at The Sutton Academy is excellent and students are still expected to dress in a way that is appropriate to a purposeful, safe working environment. Normal lessons will, of course, take place on this day. If students have PE on the day, they will be expected to bring PE kit as usual. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about this day.
Please note that due to the academy being closed to students on Friday 20 December, the last day of term on Thursday 19 December will be a full day with students finishing as normal at 2.40pm.