Principal's Award winners

Each week we award students for their outstanding commitment to home learning.
A Principal's Award is given to the students who show excellent engagement in our online learning.
Well done to the following students on achieving a Principal's Award - Friday 17 April
Shaun Russ – Year 8
Shaun has been engaging brilliantly, completing drama homework for me, despite it not being a requirement for him. – Mr Walker (Drama)
Samuel Turner – Year 9
His home learning has been of the highest quality - he has really engaged with the material and made progress on new topics. - Mr Bibby (Geography)
Samantha Horwood – Year 9
Samantha has been submitting work of an excellent standard. - Mr Walker (Music)
Tom Dickenson – Year 11
Tom is in Year 11, so there is arguably no real incentive or obligation for him to complete the daily tasks I set. However, he is fully engaging with the work set and is even requesting more of it! - Miss Gordon (English)
Jessica Shing – Year 11
Chloe Lea – Year 11
Despite the current situation regarding their cancelled examinations, they have completed every piece of homework set for them so far. - Mr Griffin (English)
Elise Brown – Year 12
She is super prompt to submit her tasks to me, seeks advice when she is unsure and shows me that she has thoroughly engaged in everything I have requested in her responses. She seems to have really flourished in psychology learning in this way and is making excellent progress learning from home. - Mrs Grace (Psychology)