Attendance Competitions

Attendance to school is vital and getting off to a good start will be important on Monday March 8th. Here at The Sutton Academy, we want to help encourage your child back into school after this last lock down period.
We have decided to launch a series of attendance competitions to help motivate and support all students Year 7- 6th form in their return to school. (Covid and shielding exempt as per usual).
We look forward to seeing everyone Monday.
Stage 1: 100% attenders weekly will receive a txt from Achievement Leaders
Stage 2: Weekly 10 student prize draw from 100% attenders to receive sweet boxes/chocolates
Stage 3: Whole school draw every Friday afternoon by ALT
-Week 1 - 1 Tablet to be given out to 1 student whole school
- Week 2 - 2 Tablets to be given out to 2 students whole school
-Week 3 - 3 Tablets to be given out to 3 students whole school
-Week 4 - 4 Tablets to be given out to 4 students whole school
Stage 4: Last week of this term there will be an Easter Lunch Party for excellent attendance and behaviour at lunch time