A-Level Results Day

Students celebrate their A-Level Results!
Congratulations to our Year 13 students who have received their A-Level and Vocational results. The results the students have received reflect their hard work and effort over two years, the students have shown unbelievable resilience to make sure that they leave with the qualifications they deserve. We are proud of everything they have gone onto achieve.
Despite the national trend of grades dropping from 2022, the students achieved some of the best grades the academy has ever produced.
Stand out performances include Eva Yorke who achieved three grade As and a Distinction, Maxe Worrall who achieved three grades As, a grade B and a Distinction and Benjamin Atherton who achieved two Distinction* and a Distinction.
A large number of students are going onto study at a top university or progress onto a higher-level apprenticeship. We wish them all the best for the future.