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Requesting Term Time Holidays


Although the Academy appreciates difficulties many parents have in arranging holiday leave during school holiday time, we ask you not to make arrangements for holidays during term time as it will not be authorised. From the 1st September 2013, the law gives no entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time.

The Principal can only authorise holidays in term time in exceptional circumstances and each request is taken on its merit. The law stipulates that all requests for holidays during term time be refused, unless they meet the following criteria:

* A parent in the armed forces-who has set leave periods.
Written proof from your employer that this is the ONLY time you can take a holiday - however the student’s attendance over the last 12 months will be checked to see if it is at least 95% before it is authorised, unless extraordinary reasons apply.
Religious festivals i.e. attending a wedding for a day but this does not include associated activities such as a honeymoon.
* A family that needs time together due to an unexpected crisis like a terminal illness.

Even when the above criterion is met, holidays will not be authorised during GCSE (including Mock Exams) or A Level exam periods.

Holiday leave being authorised is legally at the discretion of the Principal (or a delegated senior Member of the Academy Leadership Team) and cannot exceed 10 school days in any school year September - July. An extended absence for holidays will inevitably have an adverse effect on student progress and achievement. Teachers will not set work for students on holiday in school time.

Parents are also required to complete a Request for a Holiday during Term Time form before the holiday commences.

Parents can be fined by the Local Authority for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from school. The Sutton Academy upholds the legal directions provided by the government and acts to only grant term time holidays in exceptional circumstances.

What happens if the holiday is unauthorised?

In instances where requests for holidays during term time are refused, but the student is absent from school, this is likely to result in the issuance of a fine and the student’s absence will be deemed to be unauthorised.

A family with a child (children) with more than 10 days of unauthorised leave of absence in a term can be issued with a fixed penalty notice of a £60 fine per parent. This increases to £120 if unpaid and legal proceedings can follow. Repeated unauthorised holidays could result in the family being prosecuted.